2025 NWBCF Shows
Bigger. Blacker. Funnier.
Young Guns
This Showcase Is The staple of the NWBCF. Since it's inception, we showcase the hottest, funniest up and coming comics in the game.
Black & Proud
This showcase features the funniest Queer Black comics from across the country.
Ladies Run This Mutha
The most popular showcase of the festival in the past years. It features the funniest Black women in the industry!
Best Of The Fest
Audience members will vote for their favourite comedian after every showcase. The winners will make up this improtu showcase.
Sophistocated Ignorance
In the Black community, the funniest people are called everything but funny. Usually “you stupid” or “you ignorant”. This showcase features the absurdity, foolishness, and ignorance that is the best of Black Comedy.
I Got A Story To Tell
This showcase features storytellers from across the country. Spinning tales hilariously from their real lives.
Dirty After Dark
Put the kids to bed, and get ready for some raunchy laughs. X Rated laughs from beginning to end.
Improving While Black
Black improv groups giving you the best in improvisation from across the country.
Business of Show Seminar
Hope Flood leads a workshop and Q&A with comedians to share tips and tricks of the comedy business. Read on Hope's bio here
Dirty Angel All Stars
A classic, this showcase features Dirty Angel Entertainment’s favorite Black comedians in the game.